Tuesday, November 26, 2013

further and farther [grammar schmammar]

         Did you there is a different between further and farther. to me I used it any how and any where, didn't really acre about using the wright word for the wright sentence. Grammar schmammar is always the best it put you on the wright part. Farther is used as a comparative of far.you use farther for a distance..use to indicate the extent to which one thing or a person is or becoming distance from another. for example the farther away you are from your home, the better you should behave. you can also you it over a greater expanse of space or time  for a longer way. Further on the other hand is kind of the same has distance. you can say I am going   to college to further my education. further can be use has a verb. Examples are: I refuse to walk one step farther. Another examples is the mountain peak was further away than she expected.

beyound class ( say good night Gracie}

     I take theatre appreciation and we are suppose to watch a play and write a critique for the play. I went to the Virginia repertory theatre to watch "say good night Gracie". the ticket for the play was $38 and was $10 for students. looking at the ticket I thought the play will be awesome but guess what the play was so boring to the point I was dozing off but I try not to sleep because I have to write a critique for it. so the play is basically about Gracie and her comedy show she use to have before she died. the man who is suppose to be the husband of Gracie was the only character on stage narrating the whole story.The play say goodnight Gracie is basically about the life of a Jewish man called George Burns, how he straggles and ended up in a comedy showbiz and meet Gracie Allen. They happen to began in a radio as a comic relief. He fell in love with Gracie and they got married and earn their own show. The audience loves Gracie.  Gracie had a chest problem and died at the hospital. She always ended up the show saying’’ good night’’ to the audience. The theme of the play is basically about Gracie and how funny she was.


      my group had grammar schmammar 7, which was the different between good and well. my group consist of Tiara, Jacob and me.Tiara did all the power point this time, all we had to do is come together as a group to present it in class. well deals with health. good is an adjective and well is adverb. Well is related to health. for example you will say I don't feel well today not I don't feel good today. sometimes we say stuff which is not the correct word but since we are use to saying the wrong word,  it sound normally but when it comes to the writing aspect of it, you have to write the write word. we can say whatever, the wrong English and shorten them but when we are writing it is suppose to be the right word. so looking at good and well, they may mean the same but is actually not the same. for example you cant say Tiara is not feeling good so she didn't make it to class. which some people may say that but is not the right word. you should say tiara is not feeling well so she didn't make it to class.